Intake manifold for 3sgte rally car

Intake manifold for 3sgte rally car . For our fans from Kabardino-Balkaria. Designed and manufactured by SoaraPerformance
3sgte dual plenum intake manifold .

Intake manifold for 3sgte rally car
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3 thoughts on “Intake manifold for 3sgte rally car

  • 07.04.2018 at 04:17

    Hi there mate

    Are these Intake Manifolds new on the market?

    How do they compare to the RacerX Fab ones?

    • 07.04.2018 at 17:57

      Hi. We are the developers of this dual plenum model. For this moment we have no any comparison data.

  • 21.10.2018 at 01:09

    Do you sitll manufacture this manafold, if so how much is it?
    Many thanks

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